
                                         King Networks Acceptable Use Agreement

Data Section Usage The main purpose of King Networks Internet Service is to facilitate communication utilizing the Internet. It is King Networks ‘ intention to allow all King Networks users complete access to everything the Internet has to offer with minimal or no interference. King Networks has developed this Terms and Conditions document. It is intended to provide a guide to King Networks’ views on what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate use of King Networks access to the Internet and to inform King Networks customers of what actions we may take, with or without notice, if King Networks becomes aware of inappropriate use of King Networks service. The agreement will help King Networks system administrators deal with complaints from users of King Networks or other Internet connected systems and determine when action must be taken. Use of the Internet services that are provided by King Networks constitutes acceptance of these policies and it is expected that all King Networks customers will follow the policies set forth herein. Protection of King Networks technical resources and King Networks’ ability to continue to provide high-quality service to its customers, compliance with existing laws and regulations, and the protection of King Networks’ reputation as a service provider are all contributing factors to the policies outlined below. Access to King Networks ‘ Internet Service is provided subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Warranties/Disclaimers King Networks Internet service is provided on an “as is, as available” basis. No warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made with respect to King Networks or any information or software therein. You release King Networks  from and King Networks  shall have no liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages suffered by you in connection with your use of or inability to use the King Networks  including, but not limited to, damages from loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis deliveries, or service interruptions, or due to inadvertent release or disclosure of information sent by you even if the same is caused by King Networks ’ own negligence. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, King Networks disclaims to the full extent permitted by applicable law any responsibility for (and under no circumstances shall be liable for) any conduct, content, goods, and services available on or through the Internet or the King Networks. In no event shall King Networks aggregate liability exceed the amount paid by you to King Networks for the King Networks. Use of any information obtained via King Networks Internet service is at the user’s risk. King Networks specifically disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. King Networks shall have no liability or responsibility for any damages occurred by the homeowner, occupant, business, or business owner by equipment owned and/or installed by King Networks employees, agents, or representatives for the expressed purpose of delivering Internet services to the home or business. King Networks will be held without fault for unintentional damages resulting from the installation process of said equipment. Liability is limited to the individual employee, agent, or representative, and then only in the case of criminal activity or malicious intent. 2. Security The customer is responsible for all use of customer’s account(s) and confidentiality of password(s), including choosing safe passwords and ensuring file protections are set correctly. King Networks will suspend access or change access to customer’s account(s) immediately upon notification by customer that customer’s password has been lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised. King Networks is not liable for any usage and or charges prior to King Networks making the necessary account alteration. Electronic mail on this system is as private as we can make it. King Networks customers are reminded that no computer system can be considered safe from intrusion. E-mail may pass through many computer systems and should not be considered a secure means of communication unless encrypted, and even encrypted information is only as secure as the encryption method utilized. 3. Personal Files King Networks is not responsible for customer’s personal files residing on King Networks. Customer is responsible for independent backup of customer’s data that is stored on King Networks. King Networks reserves the right to delete customer’s personal files after one or both parties terminate the service agreement between King Networks and customer. 4. Non-Transferability of Account The right to use King Networks Internet service is not transferable. Use of King Networks accounts is expressly limited to the individual or business whose name appears on the account and dependents of the account holder living at the same address. A customer may use no more than one log-in session per account at any time. If a customer has multiple accounts, the customer is limited to one log-in session per account at any time. 5. Network Address Ownership Any network address assignments issued by King Networks (i.e., Class C address space) are the property of King Networks and are loaned to its customers. In the event service with King Networks is discontinued for any reason, such addresses will revert to King Networks. 6. Compliance with All Laws Customer agrees to use the service in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. Reproduction or transmission of any material in violation of any local, state, U.S., or international law or regulation is prohibited. Customer agrees that any material to be reproduced or transmitted on King Networks service through customer’s account(s) does not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory, common law, or proprietary rights of others or contain anything obscene, libelous, or threatening. Software intended to facilitate any such violations or infringements may not be stored on King Networks. Customer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless King Networks from and against any claims, liabilities, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, resulting from customer’s use of the King Networks service or customer’s account in an unlawful manner or otherwise in violation of or contrary to customer’s agreement with King Networks or King Networks Acceptable Use Policies. At King Networks’ discretion, King Networks may revoke customer’s access to King Networks or accounts for inappropriate usage. 7. Unacceptable Conduct The following types of conduct are grounds for immediate suspension of service pending investigation by King Networks and may result in termination of the account(s) if the investigation determines the customer to have originated or transmitted these types of traffic. In addition, King Networks  reserves the right, where feasible, to implement technical mechanisms that block multiple postings by a King Networks  customer as described in (a) and (b) below before such postings are forwarded: (a) Posting a single article or substantially similar articles to an excessive number of newsgroups (i.e., more than 20) or continued posting of articles that are off-topic (e.g., off-topic according to the newsgroup charter, or the article provokes complaints from the regular readers of the newsgroup for being off-topic). (b) Sending unsolicited mass e-mails (i.e., to more than 25 users) that provoke complaints from the recipients. (c) Engaging in either (a) or (b) from a provider other than King Networks and using an account on King Networks as a mail drop for responses, or to draw attention to a Web site housed within King Networks. (d) Continued harassment of other individuals on the Internet after being asked to stop by those individuals and by King Networks. (e) Mail bombing (i.e., sending large volumes of unsolicited e-mail to individuals or to individual business accounts). (f) Impersonating another user or otherwise falsifying one’s username in e-mail, Usenet postings, on Internet Relay Chat (IRC), or with any other Internet service. (This does not preclude the use of nicknames in IRC or the use of anonymous re-mailer services.) (g) Privacy violations: Attempts, whether successful or not, to gain access to any other system or users’ personal data without express consent of the user. (h) Use of IRC bots or clone bots on King Networks, whether on IRC servers controlled by King Networks or by other parties. An IRC bot is a program that runs and is connected to an IRC server 24 hours a day, automatically performing certain actions. (I) Network unfriendly activity: Attempts to interfere with the regular workings of King Networks  systems or network connections or that adversely affect the ability of other people or systems to use King Networks  or the Internet, including, but not limited to: Any unauthorized attempts by a user to gain root access or access to any account not belonging to that user on this or any other King Networks  system; Any use of this or any other King Networks  system as a staging ground to disable other systems. 8. Excess Use of System or Network Resources King Networks account descriptions in some cases may specify limits on bandwidth, CPU, and disk use for certain types of customers and use up to these limits is included in the price for that type of customer. In the event King Networks determines that a customer is exceeding the bandwidth, CPU, and/or disk use limits, the customer will be notified by e-mail. If the excess use continues for more than 48 hours after such notification, the customer may be requested to upgrade to a Web hosting service agreement or to modify the activity creating the excess use. If excessive bandwidth, CPU, or disk space use is determined by King Networks to adversely affect King Networks ability to provide service for all customers, immediate action may be taken to alleviate the problem. In such event, the customer will be notified by e-mail as soon as practicable. 9. Compliance with Rules of Other Networks Any access to other networks connected to King Networks Internet service must comply with the rules for that other network as well as with King Networks’ rules. 10. Monitoring/Privacy King Networks reserves the right to monitor all communications through or with King Networks facilities. Customer agrees that King Networks is not considered a secure communications medium for the purposes of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and that no expectation of privacy is afforded. It may become necessary for King Networks employees to examine system accounting logs and other records to determine if privacy violations or other network unfriendly activities have occurred. King Networks also reserves the right to access a customer’s mailbox or other files stored on King Networks systems to resolve system problems or mail system errors. 11. Cooperation with Authorities King Networks reserves the right to cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities in investigating claims of illegal activity, including, but not limited to, illegal transfer or availability of copyrighted material, postings or e-mail containing threats of violence, or other illegal activity. 12. Confidentiality of Personal Subscriber Information King Networks will not release a customer’s personal subscriber information, nor a customer’s billing information, to any third party except upon presentation of a valid court order of a government or entity within our jurisdiction. Customer agrees that King Networks judgment as to the validity of any court order of subpoena shall be considered proper and final. 13. King Networks ’ Right to Suspend or Cancel Account King Networks  reserves the right to suspend or cancel service to a customer at any time and without notice, for any reason, including, but not limited to, refusal or failure to pay for services provided or by sole judgment of King Networks  that the customer may be performing activities harmful to King Networks  or its customers, employees, vendors, business relationships, or any other users of the Internet. 14. Right to Damages King Networks reserves the right to collect damages (software, hardware, and man hours) if any harm is done to King Networks and or equipment installed at the premise that requires repair or reconfiguration of any kind due to negligence or abuse of the customer. 15. Other Remedies/Non-Waiver Nothing contained in these policies shall be construed to limit action King Networks may take or remedies available to King Networks in any way with respect to any of the described conduct. King Networks  reserves the right to take any additional actions King Networks  may consider appropriate with respect to such conduct, including without limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of identifying offenders and removing them from the King Networks  service, and levying cancellation charges to cover King Networks  costs in the event of disconnection of dedicated access for the causes outlined above. In addition, King Networks always reserves all rights and remedies available to King Networks with respect to such conduct at law or in equity. Non-enforcement of any policy or rule herein does not constitute consent or waiver, and King Networks reserves the right to enforce such policy or rule at its sole discretion. 16. King Networks’ Right to Change Service King Networks reserves to right to change without notice the King Networks service, including, but not limited to, access procedures, hours of operation, menu structures, commands, documentation, vendors, and services offered. 17. Abuse of Network Resources To assure the highest quality and availability of resources possible for our customers, all users agree to use and maintain any computer, appliance, system, or attachment accessing the network in a responsible manner. This includes the continual use of up-to-date anti-virus, anti-Spam, anti-Spyware software and a firewall on the computers, appliances, systems, or attachments accessing the network via the customers connection. If King Networks determines that any computer, appliance, system, or attachment accessing the network via the customer’s connection is causing a degradation of services because of virus, trojan, Spam-bot or malware of any type, the customers access to the network can be denied. If such access is denied, it will not be reinstated until such time as the customer shows considerable evidence that the condition of the offending computer, appliance, system, or attachment has been corrected. Furthermore, a residential or business account is provided expressly for the use of the residence or business at which it is installed. Any redistribution, rebroadcast or sharing of that signal with other residences or businesses is in violation of these Terms and Conditions and King Networks reserves the right to suspend and or retrieve our equipment without refund of any fees for services paid in advance. 18. Changes; Notices Except where expressly prohibited by law, the Customer agrees to accept notices to this agreement electronically, either by email or by web site posting. Notices to Customer of any changes to these “Terms and Conditions” shall be considered given by posting to the King Networks Facebook and/or Twitter accounts. Notice will be considered received by Customer, and such changes will become binding on Customer, on the date posted to the King Networks social media accounts and no further notice by King Networks is required. 19. Rebroadcast (relay) King Networks reserves the right to utilize the location of your residence or business to further the objective of our network and install additional equipment for the purpose of providing service to one or more other customers that can be serviced from equipment installed at your location. By having King Networks service installed, you agree to provide the space and the electrical power for this equipment. King Networks reserves the right to provide (at our option) backup electrical power for this equipment. If such backup electrical power is installed by King Networks, it will be available to power your customer premise equipment as well. We reserve the right to place a small self-supported cabinet on the exterior of your home to accommodate and support our additional equipment. Acceptable Use Agreement – VoIP Section 1. VoIP Service 1.1 Term Service is offered on a calendar-month basis, for an initial term that begins on the date that King Networks activates your Service and ends on the last day of the month of your activation. Subsequent terms of this Agreement automatically renew monthly without further action by you unless you give King Networks notice of non-renewal at least ten [10] days before the end of the monthly term in which the notice is given. If you terminate Service prior to the end of a monthly term, you will be responsible for the full month’s charges to the end of the then-current term and all outstanding charges. Customer is responsible for, and shall pay, any applicable federal, state, municipal, local or other governmental sales, use, excise, value-added, personal property, public utility or other taxes, fees or charges now in force or enacted in the future, that arise from or as a result of Customer’s subscription or use or payment for the Service or a Device. Such amounts are in addition to payment for the Service or Devices and will be billed to your account. 1.1.1 Residential Use of Service and Device If you have subscribed to King Networks ‘ Residential services, the Service and Device are provided to you and your household as a residential user, for your personal, residential, non-business and nonprofessional use. This means that you are not using them for any commercial or governmental activities, profit-making or non-profit. If you fail to comply with these limitations, King Networks  reserves the right to immediately terminate or modify the Service, if King Networks  determines, in its sole discretion and in accordance with applicable law and/or the rules and regulations of appropriate state and federal regulatory bodies, that Customer’s Service is being used for non-residential or commercial use. 1.1.2 Small Business Use of Service and Device – Prohibition on Resale. If you have subscribed to King Networks ‘ Small Business services, the Service and Device are provided to you as a small business user. This means that you are not to resell or transfer the service or device to any other person for any purpose. You agree that the King Networks Small Business Plans are for ordinary and usual office voice communications and do not confer the right to use the service for autodialing, continuous or extensive call forwarding, telemarketing, fax broadcasting, fax blasting, or any type of automated or continuous use. King Networks reserves the right to immediately terminate or modify the Service, if King Networks determines, in its sole discretion, that Customer’s Service is being used for any of the activities, in accordance with applicable law regarding such terminations. 1.1.3 Bundled Service: You acknowledge and agree that the Services are offered on a bundled basis (including data, local, toll, and long-distance services) and cannot be separated. You acknowledge that these services (data, local, toll, and long distance) are not available individually and that to maintain each of the services in the bundle, one must maintain the others on the same service line. Should you wish to change any of these services provided by King Networks, you will terminate your Service with King Networks. 1.1.4 Equipment Non-Return Fee: You will be charged an equipment non-return fee per Device obtained from King Networks upon termination of Service for any reason regardless of if such termination is by King Networks or you. The equipment non-return fee becomes due and payable immediately upon termination and will be billed directly to your credit card. If you have multiple Devices, you will be charged an equipment non-return fee per Device for each Device belonging to King Networks in your possession. To receive a credit for the equipment non-return fee, you must return the Device(s) undamaged and in original condition within fourteen (14) days of termination. King Networks will not credit you if the Device(s) is damaged or not in its original condition as received by you. In the event you disconnect multiple lines, King Networks will issue you a credit for all equipment non-return fees upon receipt of all Devices (e.g., Multimedia Terminal Adapters, etc.) in accordance with this Section. Further, King Networks reserves the right to charge you for any power cables, network cables or other incidental equipment (Equipment) provided to you in addition to the Device should such Equipment not be returned. 1.2 Lawful Use of Service and Device 1.2.1 Prohibited Uses: You agree to use the Service and Device only for lawful purposes. This means that you agree not to use them for transmitting or receiving any communication or material of any kind when in King Networks ’ sole judgment the transmission, receipt or possession of such communication would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to a civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. King Networks  reserves the right to terminate your service immediately and without advance notice if King Networks , in its sole discretion, believes that you have violated the above restrictions, or any Applicable Tariff term, leaving you responsible for the full month’s charges to the end of the current term, including without limitation unbilled charges, plus an equipment non-return fee, all of which immediately become due and payable, as may be permitted under Applicable Law. You are liable for all use of the Service and/or Device by any person making use of the Service or Device provided to you and agree to indemnify and hold harmless King Networks against all liability for any such use that fails to comply with this Section 1.20.1. If King Networks, in its sole discretion believes that you have violated the above restrictions, King Networks may forward the objectionable material, as well as your communications with King Networks and your personally identifiable information to the appropriate authorities for investigation and prosecution. 1.3 Use of Service and Device by Customers Outside the United States: While we encourage use of the Service within the United States to other countries, King Networks does not presently offer or support the Service to customers located in other countries. If you remove the Device to a country other than the United States and use the Service from there, you do so at your own risk, including the risk that such activity violates local laws in the country where you do so. You are liable for all use of the Service and/or Device by any person making use of the Service or Device provided to you. Transport or sale of the Device outside of the United States may result in a violation of US or foreign technology import/export laws or rules; compliance with which is your sole responsibility. 1.4 Loss of Service Due to Power Failure: You acknowledge and understand that the Service does not function in the event of power failure. Should there be an interruption in the power supply to your Device or at any point in your transmission path, the Service will not function until power is restored. A power failure or disruption may require the Customer to reset or reconfigure equipment including your Device or any connecting equipment in your transmission path prior to utilizing the Service. Power disruptions or failures will also prevent dialing to emergency service numbers including any 911 calling feature that may be activated in or accessed by your Service. 1.5 Copyright / Trademark / Unauthorized Usage of Device, Firmware or Software: The Service and Device and any firmware or software used to provide the Service or provided to Customer in conjunction with providing the Service, or embedded in the Device, and all Services, information, documents and materials provided or offered by King Networks  and on King Networks ‘ website(s) are protected by trademark, copyright or other intellectual property laws and international treaty provisions. All websites, corporate names, service marks, trademarks, trade names, logos and domain names (collectively “marks”) of King Networks are and shall remain the exclusive property of King Networks and nothing in this Agreement shall grant you the right to right or license to use such marks. You acknowledge that you are not given any license to use the firmware or software used to provide the Service or provided to Customer in conjunction with providing the Service, or embedded in the Device, other than a nontransferable, revocable license to use such firmware or software (without making any modification thereto) strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and that the Device is exclusively for use in connection with the Service. If you decide to use the Service through an interface device not provided by King Networks , which King Networks  reserves the right to prohibit in particular cases or generally, you warrant and represent that you possess all required rights, including software and/or firmware licenses, to use that interface device with the Service and you will indemnify and hold harmless King Networks  against any and all liability arising out of your use of such interface device with the Service. 1.6 Tampering with the Device: You agree not to change the electronic serial number or equipment identifier of the Device, or to perform a factory reset of the Device, without express permission from King Networks in each instance. Doing so shall constitute a violation of this Agreement. 1.7 Theft of Service: You agree to notify King Networks immediately, by calling the King Networks customer service line, if the Device or Service is stolen or if you suspect or become aware at any time that your Service is being stolen or fraudulently used. You will be liable for all use of the Service using a Device or Access Code stolen from you and all stolen Service or fraudulent use of the Service until King Networks is informed of the theft. 1.8 Delivery or Warranty of Device; Ownership of the Device: If Customer receives cartons and/or Devices that are visibly damaged, please note the damage on the carrier’s freight bill or receipt and keep a copy. Keep the original carton, all packing materials and parts intact and contact King Networks ‘ customer care department immediately. Warranty coverage varies depending on the type of Device that Customer chooses. Please refer to the King Networks warranty materials included in the packaging of your Device(s). If Customer purchased the Device new from King Networks and the Device included a limited warranty at the time of purchase, Customer must refer to the separate limited warranty document for information on the limitation and disclaimer of certain warranties. If Customer’s Device did not include a limited warranty from King Networks at the time of purchase, Customer agrees that it accepts its Device “as is” and that Customer is not entitled to replacement or refund in the event of any defect. You understand that any Device provided by King Networks for use with the Service is and remains the exclusive property of King Networks unless purchased in full by you. Nothing in these terms should be construed to confer any title, rights of ownership, or other property rights onto you, the Customer. 1.9 Number Transfer on Service Termination: King Networks  may, solely at the Company’s discretion, release the telephone number that was ported in to King Networks  by you and used in connection with your Service provisioned by King Networks  to your new service provider, if such new service provider is able to accept such number, upon your termination of the Service, and provided (i) your account has been terminated; and (ii) you request the transfer upon terminating your account. 1.10 Service Distinctions: You acknowledge and understand that the Service has different technical limitations than a traditional telephone service. Technical differences exist between traditional telephone service and this Service offering provided by King Networks. The Service may be subject to different regulatory treatment than traditional or wireline phone service. This treatment may limit or otherwise affect your rights and responsibilities before Federal and State regulatory agencies. 2. Emergency Services – 911 Dialing 2.1 Differences in Availability and Operation of Emergency Dialing Service (“911” or “E911”): You acknowledge and understand that the Service does NOT function or connect the same way as traditional copper, fiber or wireline telecommunications support for traditional 911 or E911 access to emergency services. The 911/E911 Services offered by the Company in conjunction with these services are available only on King Networks -provided or other approved Devices as described herein, and only in specific areas, as specified by the Company, but you acknowledge and understand that 911-type dialing is NOT automatic. When ordering the service, you must separately activate such 911-type dialing capabilities by specifically requesting them at the time-of-service activation or thereafter, subject to King Networks, governmental and/or industry technical approval, availability and restrictions, with specific confirmation from King Networks, as described herein. Such request must contain specific information as requested, and as may be modified by King Networks  in its sole discretion from time to time, and must be accompanied by your acceptance of the specific term, conditions and responsibilities attendant thereto, including but not limited to maintenance and communication to King Networks  in advance of any changes in information relating to the physical location for which the 911-type capabilities may be activated, and/or authorized login, passwords and authorized users on the account. King Networks 911 dialing cannot be used in conjunction with any “Soft Phone” (“download”) application. You agree to inform any household residents, guests and other third persons who may be present at the physical location where you utilize the Service as to the non-availability of traditional 911 or E911 dialing from your King Networks Service and Device(s). If you activate King Networks  911-type dialing service, you agree to inform any household residents, guests and other third persons who may be present at the physical location where you utilize the Service as to the important differences and limitations of King Networks  911 dialing service as compared with traditional 911 or E911 dialing, as set forth in this Agreement, including without limitation the conspicuous posting on the device of any caution or warning materials as may be appropriate, and you agree to make reasonable efforts and use reasonable judgment in informing them of the proper and specific operation and requirements of the Service, if available, and/or to restrict third parties’ access to the Service for any purpose. 2.2 Description of 911-Type Dialing Capabilities – Activation Required: You acknowledge and understand that 911-type dialing is NOT automatic. You acknowledge and understand that you cannot dial 911 from this line unless and until you have received a confirming email regarding service activation generally and a primary number assignment associated with the geographic location you have provided and agree to maintain. Once you have received a confirming email that such limited 911 dialing has been successfully activated according to this Agreement and any amendments hereto that may be posted from time to time on the King Networks  website, you may dial 911 as needed, provided that all other Service requirements, including but not limited to, power supply, broadband internet connection, internet service provider login or “timing out” (even with an automatic restart that may cause a reassignment by your internet service provider of a different session-based internet address), and Service login are activated, operational and uninterrupted for the entire duration of the call. When you dial 911 from your designated physical location, your call is routed from the King Networks network to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) or to local emergency service personnel designated for the address that you listed at the time of activation and confirmation. King Networks can only route 911-type calls within certain geographic areas, from King Networks -provided devices and IP phone primary number assignments designated by King Networks as geographically appropriate, as locations within such areas may be confirmed by King Networks upon service activation. You acknowledge and understand that any 911-type calls made from any physical or geographical location other than the physical location designated and associated with the account, regardless of where a caller or third-party desires or requires emergency assistance, will fail. WHEN YOU DIAL 911 ON YOUR PHONE UTILIZING KING NETWORKS VOIP SERVICE, YOUR CALL MAY BE ROUTED TO A DIFFERENT DISPATCHER THAN THAT USED FOR TRADITIONAL 911 DIALING. THE DISPATCHER WILL BE LOCATED AT EITHER THE PUBLIC SAFETY ANSWERING POINT (PSAP) OR WILL BE LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL DESIGNATED FOR THE ADDRESS YOU LISTED AT THE TIME YOU REGISTERED FOR THE SERVICE. As described herein, this 911-type dialing currently is NOT the same as traditional 911 or E911 dialing, and at this time, does not necessarily include all of the capabilities of traditional 911 dialing. Note that certain features of “E911” may not be available in your area or technically feasible via this Service. While certain call-back capabilities, if they are available, may function on this Service, any interruption before, during or after any call — in power supply, broadband internet connection, internet service provider login or “timing out” (even with an automatic restart that may cause a reassignment by your internet service provider of a different session-based internet address), or Service login may cause these features to fail. 2.3 Service Outage: 2.3.1 Power Outage: You acknowledge and understand that 911 dialing, like the Service as a whole, does not function in the event of a power failure. Should there be an interruption in the power supply, the Service and 911 dialing will not function until power is restored. A power failure or disruption may require the Customer to reset or reconfigure equipment, connections or logins, prior to utilizing the Service or 911 dialing. 2.3.2 Broadband Service Outage: You acknowledge and understand that service outages or interruptions by your broadband provider will prevent ALL Service including 911 dialing. Even a brief interruption in your broadband internet connection may cause the Service and 911 calling to fail until Customer resets or reconfigures equipment, connections or logins. 2.3.3 Service Outage Due to Suspension of Your Account: You acknowledge and understand that service outages due to suspension of your account because of billing issues will prevent ALL Service, including 911 dialing. 2.3.4 Other Service Outages: You acknowledge and understand that if there is a service outage for ANY reason, such outage will prevent ALL Service, including 911 dialing. Such outages may occur for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, those reasons described elsewhere in this Agreement. 2.3.5 Limitation of Liability and Indemnification: You acknowledge and understand that the Company’s liability is limited for any Service outage and/or inability to dial 911 from your line or to access emergency service personnel, as set forth in this document, and applicable Tariffs. YOU AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS KING NETWORKS , ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AFFILIATES AND AGENTS AND ANY OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER WHO FURNISHES SERVICES TO YOU IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERVICE, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, DAMAGES, FINES, PENALTIES, COSTS AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES) BY, OR ON BEHALF OF, YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY OR USER OF THE SERVICE RELATING TO THE FAILURE OR OUTAGE OF THE SERVICE, INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO 911 DIALING. 2.4 Requires Activation: You acknowledge and understand that 911 dialing does not function unless you have successfully activated the 911dialing feature on your account, and until such later date that such activation has been confirmed to you through a confirming email, and until you have carefully reviewed the email and, if indicated, have responded to any informational errors or discrepancies in such email, and, if applicable, such errors, if any, are corrected and the corrections confirmed in writing by King Networks . YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT YOU CANNOT DIAL 911 FROM THIS LINE UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED A CONFIRMING EMAIL. You agree to carefully review the confirmation email for any errors in your account information and understand and acknowledge that King Networks relies exclusively on you to provide and review the correct information for providing your Service. 2.5 Failure to Designate the Correct Physical Address When Activating 911 Dialing: IF YOU DO NOT CORRECTLY IDENTIFY THE ACTUAL LOCATION WHERE YOUR KING NETWORKS EQUIPMENT WILL BE LOCATED AT THE TIME YOU REGISTER FOR THE SERVICE, 911 COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE MISDIRECTED TO AN INCORRECT LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVICE PROVIDER. 2.6 Requires Re-Activation if You Change Your Number: You acknowledge and understand that 911 dialing does not function if you change your phone number unless and until you have successfully activated the 911 dialing feature following the instructions from the “Dial 911” link on your dashboard, and until such later date that such activation has been confirmed to you through a confirming email. 911 dialing must be re-activated. Although you may have activated 911 dialing with your former King Networks phone number, you must separately activate 911 dialing for any new number. 2.7 Change of Physical Location of Equipment: 911 DIALING WILL NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY IF YOU MOVE YOUR King Networks EQUIPMENT TO A LOCATION OTHER THAN THAT PROVIDED WHEN YOU REGISTERED FOR THE SERVICE. IN SUCH EVENT, IN ORDER TO HAVE 911 CALLING ROUTED CORRECTLY, YOU MUST UPDATE YOUR SERVICE ADDRESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE King Networks VOIP SERVICE WEBSITE. 2.8 Requires Re-Activation if You Move: You acknowledge and understand that 911 dialing does not function properly or at all if you move or change the physical location of your equipment to a different street address. Failure to provide the current and correct physical address and location of your King Networks  equipment will result in any 911 dialing you may make being routed to the incorrect local emergency service provider 2.9 Possibility of Network Congestion and/or Reduced Speed for Routing 911: Due to the manner in which it is technically possible to provide the 911 dialing feature for King Networks  VoIP Service at this time, you acknowledge and understand that there is a greater possibility of network congestion and/or reduced speed in the routing of a 911 communication made utilizing your equipment as compared to traditional 911 dialing over traditional public telephone networks. You acknowledge and understand that your call may be routed to a different dispatcher than that used for traditional 911 dialing. The dispatcher will be located at either the public safety answering point (PSAP) or will be local emergency service personnel designated for the address you listed at the time you registered for the service. You acknowledge and understand that there may be a greater possibility that the general telephone number for the local emergency service provider will produce a busy signal or will take longer to answer, as compared to those 911 calls routed to the 911 dispatcher(s) who are specifically designated to receive incoming 911 calls using traditional 911 dialing. 2.10 Automated Number Identification: At this time in the technical development of King Networks 911 dialing, it may or may not be possible for the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and the local emergency personnel to identify your phone number when you dial 911. King Networks’ system is configured in most instances to send the automated number identification information; however, the phone system routes the traffic to the PSAP and the PSAP itself must be able to receive the information and pass it along properly, and they are not yet always technically capable of doing so. You acknowledge and understand that PSAP and emergency personnel may or may not be able to identify your phone number in order to call you back if the call is unable to be completed, is dropped or disconnected, or if you are unable to speak to tell them your phone number and/or if the Service is not operational for any reason, including without limitation those listed elsewhere in this Agreement. 2.11 Automated Location Identification: At this time in the technical development of King Networks 911 Dialing, it may not be possible to transmit identification of your service address that you have listed to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and local emergency personnel for your area when you dial 911. You acknowledge and understand that you may need to state the nature of your emergency promptly and clearly, including your location, as PSAP personnel will NOT have this information. You acknowledge and understand that PSAP and emergency personnel may not be able to find your location if the call is unable to be completed, is dropped or disconnected, if you are unable to speak to tell them your location, and/or if the Service is not operational for any reason, including without limitation those listed elsewhere in this Agreement. 2.12 Alternative 911 Arrangements: YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS SERVICE IS NOT OFFERED AS A PRIMARY LINE OR LIFELINE SERVICE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF ACCESSING TRADITIONAL E911 SERVICES. 2.13 No compatibility with other equipment: All non-voice communications equipment, including but not limited to, home security systems that are set up to make automatic phone calls, fax machines, modems and medical monitoring devices, are not compatible with the Service. By accepting this Agreement, you waive any claim against King Networks for interference with or disruption of such systems due to the Services 3. Warranty and Liability Limitations / Indemnification 3.1 Limitation of Liability: King Networks  shall not be liable for any delay or failure to provide the Service, including 911 dialing, at any time or from time to time, or any interruption or degradation of voice quality that is caused by any of the following: 1.) act or omission of an underlying carrier, service provider, vendor or other third party; 19.) equipment, network or facility failure; 3.) equipment, network or facility upgrade or modification; 4.) force majeure events such as (but not limited to) acts of god; strikes; fire; war; riot; government actions; 5.) equipment, network or facility shortage; 6.) equipment or facility relocation; 7.) service, equipment, network or facility failure caused by the loss of power to Customer; or 8.) any other cause that is beyond King Networks ‘ control, including without limitation the failure of an incoming or outgoing communications, the inability of communications to be connected or completed, including 911 dialing, or degradation of voice quality. King Networks ‘ liability for any failure or mistake shall in no event exceed Service charges with respect to the affected time. 3.2 No Consequential Damages: In no event shall King Networks , its officers, directors, employees, affiliates or agents or any other service provider who furnishes services to Customer in connection with this Agreement or the Service be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages, or for any damages, including but not limited to loss of data, loss of revenue or profits, or arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the Service, including inability to be able to dial 911 or to access emergency service personnel through the Service. The limitations set forth herein apply to claims founded in breach of contract, breach of warranty, products liability, tort and all other theories of liability and apply whether or not King Networks was informed of the likelihood of any particular type of damages. 3.3 Indemnification: Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless King Networks , its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and agents and any other service provider who furnishes services to Customer in connection with this Agreement or the Service, from any and all claims, losses, damages, fines, penalties, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees) by, or on behalf of, Customer or any third party or user of Customer’s Service, relating to this Agreement, the Services, including 911 dialing, or the Device. This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. 3.4 No Warranties on Service: King Networks makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness of the Service or the Device for a particular purpose. King Networks does not warrant that the Service will be without Service failure, delay, interruption, error, and degradation of voice quality or loss of content, data or information. Neither King Networks  nor its officers, directors, employees, affiliates or agents or any other service provider or vendor who furnishes services or products to Customer in connection with this Agreement or the Service will be liable for unauthorized access to King Networks ’ or Customer’s transmission facilities or premises equipment or for unauthorized access to, or alteration, theft or destruction of, Customer’s data files, programs, procedures or information through accident, fraudulent means or devices or any other method, regardless of whether such damage occurs as a result of King Networks ’ or its service provider’s or vendors’ negligence. Statements and descriptions concerning the Service or Device, if any, by King Networks or King Networks’ agents or installers are informational and are not given as a warranty of any kind. 3.5 No Third-Party Beneficiaries: No provision of this Agreement provides any person or entity not a party to this Agreement with any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, or cause of action or creates any other third-party beneficiary rights. 3.6 Content: You are liable for all liability that may arise out of the content transmitted by or to you or Users using the Services. You shall assure that your or User’s use of the Services and content will always comply with all applicable laws, regulations and written and electronic instructions for use. King Networks  reserves the right to terminate or suspend affected Services, and/or remove Your or Users’ content from the Services, if King Networks  determines that such use or content does not conform with the requirements set forth in this Agreement or interferes with King Networks ’ ability to provide Services to you or others or receives notice from anyone that Your or Users’ use or Content may violate any laws or regulations. King Networks’ actions or inaction under this Section shall not constitute review or approval of Your or Users’ use or Content. You will indemnify and hold King Networks against all liability arising from the content transmitted by or to you or to Users using the Services. A “User” means any person, whether authorized or unauthorized, using the Service and/or Device provided to you. 4. Governing Law / Resolution of Disputes 4.1 Mandatory Arbitration: Any dispute or claim between Customer and King Networks arising out of or relating to the Service or Device provided in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration before a single arbitrator administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules. The parties agree that no arbitrator has the authority to: (i) award relief more than what this Agreement provides; or (ii) award punitive or exemplary damages. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. All claims shall be arbitrated individually, and Customer will not bring, or join a punitive or certified class action to arbitration or seek to consolidate or bring previously consolidated claims in arbitration. Customer acknowledges that this arbitration provision constitutes a waiver of any right to a jury trial. 4.2 Governing Law: The Agreement and the relationship between you and King Networks shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You and King Networks agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within New York. The failure of King Networks to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Service or the Agreement must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. If any part of this Agreement is legally declared invalid or unenforceable, all other parts of this Agreement are still valid and enforceable. Such invalidity or unenforceability will not invalidate or render unenforceable any other portion of this Agreement. 5. Privacy King Networks Service may utilize, in whole or in part, the public Internet and third-party networks to transmit voice and other communications. King Networks is not liable for any lack of privacy that may be experienced regarding the Service. Entire Agreement This Agreement, the accompanying work order, any Terms and Conditions or other rules now or hereafter specified by King Networks  for the Service, public disclosures and/or any applicable tariff(s) on file with the applicable state utility commission or FCC shall constitute the entire agreement between King Networks  and Customer with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all previous written agreements between King Networks  and Customer with respect to the services provided hereunder. Acceptance of the Service shall constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions herein.

Privacy Policy for King Networks

Effective Date: 10/22/2022

1. Introduction

Welcome to King Networks. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience on our website and in using our products and services (collectively, “Services”). This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, share, and protect your information.

2. Information We Collect

We collect information to provide better Services to our users. The types of information we collect include:

  • Personal Information: Information you provide to us directly, such as your name, email address, phone number, and payment information.
  • Usage Data: Information about how you use our Services, including your IP address.

3. How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To provide, maintain, and improve our Services.
  • To communicate with you, including responding to your inquiries and sending you updates and promotional materials.
  • To protect the security and integrity of our Services.

4. Information Sharing and Disclosure

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to outside parties except as described in this Privacy Policy. We may share your information with:

  • Service Providers: Third-party vendors who assist us in operating our Services, conducting our business, or serving our users.
  • Legal Requirements: When required by law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of King Networks, our users, or others.
  • Business Transfers: In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, your information may be transferred as part of that transaction.

5. Data Security

We implement a variety of security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.

6. Your Choices

You have choices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your information, including:

  • Opting out of receiving promotional emails or text communications can be done by submitting a request to support@king-networks.com or replying STOP to any text communication that you have started with King Networks
  • Adjusting your browser settings to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent.

7. Children’s Privacy

Our Services are not intended for individuals under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 18. If we become aware that a child or individual under 18 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete such information.

8. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or applicable laws. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on our website and updating the effective date.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

King Networks
PO Box 61 Bradford OH 45308